Dobro došli u mlekaru Lazar Blace! Mi smo jedan od najvećih prerađivača mleka na jugu Srbije. Naši proizvodi nastaju od visokokvalitetnog mleka, proizvedenog na ekološkom području, na obroncima planina Kopaonik i Jastrebac. Svakoga dana od svežeg domaćeg mleka u našoj mlekari nastaju proizvodi vrhunskog kvaliteta, po starim receptima, uz puno ljubavi i posvećenosti. Tajna našeg uspeha je u ekološkoj sredini i apsolutnoj posvećenosti kvalitetu našh proizvoda. Saznajte zašto uživamo puno poverenje potrošača više od dve decenije.
Welcome to Lazar dairy Blace, Serbia. We are one of the largest milk processors in the south of Serbia. Our products are made of high-quality milk, produced in an ecological area on the slopes of the Kopaonik and Jastrebac mountains. Every day we create top-quality products from fresh domestic milk according to the old recipes, with lots of love and dedication. The secret to our success lies in the ecological environment and absolute commitment to the quality of our products. Find out why we are enjoying our customers' full trust for more than two decades.
Prirodno jača imunitet
Naturally strengthens immunity
Pomaže zdrav razvoj kostiju
Helps healthy bone development
Smanjuje rizik od srčanih oboljenja
Reduces the risk of heart disease
Pomaže redukovanju telesne težine
Helps to reduce body weight
We process
litara mleka dnevno
liters of milk per day
Sarađujemo sa
We cooperate with
kooperanata iz 4 okruga
partners from 4 counties
We raise
sopstvenih muznih krava
own dairy cows
We cultivate
hektara plodne zemlje
hectares of fertile land
We employ
stručnih ljudi
competent employees
We produce
kvalitetnih proizvoda
high-quality products
Kompanija Lazar Blace D.O.O. više od polovine ukupne proizvodnje plasira na inostrana tržišta. Uz pomoć naših distributera, proizvodi kopmanije Lazar su prisutni u svim zemljama bivše Jugoslavije. Veliki deo našeg izvoza odlazi u zemlje EU, kao što su Nemačka, Austrija, Holandija, Grčka. Naši proizvodi našli su put i do veoma probirljivih tržišta, kao što su zemlje Carinskog saveza, ali i SAD. Od nedavno kompanija Lazar je prisutna i u zemljama Bliskog istoka, pre svega Jordana.
More than half of the total production of the Lazar Blace company is being placed on foreign markets. With the help of our distributors, Lazar's products are present in all countries of the former Yugoslavia. A big portion of our export goes to countries of the EU, such as Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Greece... Our products found their way to very demanding markets, such as the countries of the Eurasian Customs Union, as well as the USA. Recently, the Lazar company has also been present in countries of the Middle East, primarily Jordan.
Sve ovo ne bi bilo moguće bez poštovanja strogih propisa i primene najnovijih standarda kvaliteta proizvodnje. Lazar za Vas primenjuje ISO 22000 - Sistem menadžmenta bezbednošću hrane i International Food Standard - IFS.
None of this would've been possible without the accordance with strict regulations and the application of the latest production quality standards. For you, Lazar applies ISO 22000 - Food Safety Management System and International Food Standard - IFS.
"Ovo divno izgleda, drago mi je što imamo kvalitetnu robu koju izvozimo. Fasciniran sam paletom proizvoda."
"This looks splendid, I'm glad we have quality goods to export. I'm fascinated by the assortment of products."