Seven rules for excellent English speaking

#1 Always learn phrases

#2 Never study grammar rules

#3 Learn with your ears

#4 Learn deeply

#5 Use POV stories

#6 Learn Real English

#7 Learn with mini-stories

These seven commandments* of Effortless English are the pillars of AJ's teaching method.

Use all seven of these rules. Create and design your own learning curriculum. Find authentic English material and apply the rules. You will get the results way better than in any English class.

But why would you do all of that when there is a more convenient way - join one of AJ's COURSES. They are carefully designed for you to develop fluency, using all the 7 rules. Not only that, but you'll get that kick in the butt from the super energetic and enthusiastic coach. So when you feel down, he will motivate you to keep going and don't quit. Join now! Commit, don't quit!

*Joke from Animal Farm