Effortless English Code is a code of conduct of the EE community. It's the way we behave in our family.

We Do The Best We Can - This means we always try to do our best. It also implies that we do not worry about making mistakes, not only in English but also in life. We try our best. We always try to be as good as we can.

We Do The Right Thing - This means we are respectful of each other. We do not say bad things about other people, countries, or religions. We are open, and we accept other people. It also means we are honest, we don't steal, we don't lie. Do the right thing!

We Show Each Other We Care - This means we show other members that we care about them. If someone is having a tough time, then we encourage them, we try to help them. If someone is having a big success we congratulate them, we say nice things to them. Show others you care!

Effortless English Code:


Effortless English Mission is our deeper purpose. The idea came from the mission of the starship Enterprise from Star Trek. See a funny video about how the mission is created.

To explore new opportunities for growth - This means to look for and find new chances for growth, for learning, for improving. We are always looking for new ways to improve. Never stop learning!

To bring confidence, vitality, and happiness to people all over the world - This is about contribution. It means we're not doing it just for ourselves but also to help other people. We want people around us to feel confident, good, and strong. We want people to have a lot of energy and feel happy. Bring confidence!

To boldly go where we have never gone before - This means to be brave and strong and go where we have never gone before. We want to try new things. We are going to constantly be learning and exploring. Do it boldly!

AJ's Mission:


Devotion to The Mission - Devotion means loyalty. It means that you are focused on the mission and agree with the mission.

Enthusiasm - Enthusiasm means excitement. It means that we are excited about learning.

Contribution - Contribution means helping other people. We contribute!

Constant and Never-Ending Improvement - CANI means we are always trying to improve. Learning never ends as long as we are alive.

Self-Reliance - Self-reliance means we rely on ourselves. We depend on ourselves, we are responsible for our own lives.

Persistence - Persistence means not quitting. It means to keep trying.

Positive Leadership - We all become leaders. We become natural leaders of our community.


Unlike the code, mission, and values, AJ did not explicitly define Effortless English Vision. But at the very beginning of his podcast, he openly spoke about his vision for the Effortless English club, his company, and community:

"What I really want is to create an international community of learners, founded on principles of lifelong learning, autonomy, independence, hospitality, mutual encouragement, equality, and respect. I envision a community in which every member is both a learner and a teacher. I envision a community in which members help each other, encourage each other, support each other. I envision a community that offers mutual respect and hospitality to one another. I envision a community that encourages independent learning. I envision a community that supports curiosity, engagement, and passion for communication. I hope the Effortless English club will grow into a positive, enthusiastic, supportive community of learners. I hope members will help and encourage each other. I hope they will chat, trade emails, and start Skype discussion groups. I even hope they'll visit each other and offer hospitality to one another."

Is AJ accomplishing his vision?